Video Case Study

Brief: to provide a visual aid to demonstrate ability SISGrass Pitch Renovation at The FA training ground



  • To be able to demonstrate to prospective clients that their service delivered on its promises

  • To provide factual evidence how robust their hybrid pitches are when being renovated


It all started when...

…a competitor stated that SISGrass’ product could not perform a particular process which in-fact, was not only completely untrue, as the SIS process was proved to be by far the most complete service!

The challenge…

… was how could SISGrass demonstrate to prospective customers that their pitch renovation service was highly effective. (Professional hybrid pitches, those with both real grass and 33% artificial grass, are renovated after a period of time to ensure they meet the high and exacting standards of the modern pitch)

The solution…

This is where Goosebumps Video came in. After an initial meeting it was agreed that I would film the entire process of pitch renovation from start to finish.

I setup several cameras including a roving one and then time-lapsed the whole process to ensure we captured it start to finish. I also took many detailed shots as proof of work so that I could zoom in on the final process.

I then videoed the key elements in the process so that I could put together a fusion of video, time-lapse and stills photography.

I produced 2 videos, a longer one that was for SISGrass to use as a sales tool in presentations to overcome the objections falsely raised by competitors. The second one was a short video for putting on social media and their website to give a brief demonstration that they had a highly robust and demonstrable hybrid pitch and renovation service.